Home > Proxy Location > United States > California
California Proxies
Powerful California proxies with unparalleled speed, anonymity, and security.
✓ High Quality and highly anonymous proxy list.
✓ $0.88 per private CA proxy IP – No hidden charges.
✓ HTTP and HTTPs compatible.
✓ Fast California Proxy Network with 1,000+ mbps speed.
Private proxies in California with 99.99% Uptime
Premium Proxy Servers in California, United States
Enjoy enhanced privacy with private proxy IP address in California. Your online activity remains untraceable, shielding your identity and browsing habits.
For $0.88 per California IP address, you get:
- Blazing fast servers
- High level of anonymity
- Reliable and secure connections
- and more premium features!
Choose Premium CA Proxies and Get a New IP Now!
Static CA Proxies
Retain the same IP address for as long as needed. Avoid unwanted disconnections brought by dynamic proxies and changing locations.
Use a California proxy IP address on any HTTP and HTTPS supported device, browser, and tool. Easy set-up and proxy access.
Dedicated Proxies
Choose private California proxies for your target purpose. Enjoy unlimited bandwidth and unshared benefits.
Multiple Locations
Connect to highly anonymous servers and get high-speed connections.
Instant Proxy Refresh
Instantly refresh your California proxy list! Use our exclusive feature and get private proxies in just one click.
Available USA Cities
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
Buy California Proxy List
Most Popular
Number of proxies
10 private proxies
25 private proxies
50 private proxies
100 private proxies
Configurable Location
Number of Cities
Number of Subnets
Configurable Purpose
Unlimited Bandwidth
Elite Anonymity
HTTP(s) Compatability
Instant Setup
Instant Refresh
100% Guaranteed
24/7 Support
Our California Proxies Guarantee
Get High-Performance California IPs @ $0.88 per proxy + $0.00/GB!
Any issues? Get a quick resolution or 100% of your money back within 7 days.
Providing Powerful Proxies from California Since 2009
I using these proxies over one month (10+10 package) and all of them works great!!! Their support also switched my burned proxies very fast. Great service.
These are AWESOME proxies. You can’t get faster and the price is perfect.
I’ve been using them for a while now and have NEVER had an issue. I just placed another order. I’m not going to post my transaction ID because of the recent scammers, but i’m definitely happy with the service.
I live in Asia but so far, the proxies are faster than I expected. No problems with them whatsoever and I love the bonus proxies. This is my first time buying private proxies and I will never regret buying proxies from this service because they are simply awesome! RECOMMENDED!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are California Proxy Servers?
CA proxy servers are intermediary computers located in California, United States. They act as a bridge between your device and the internet. When you use a California proxy, your online traffic is routed through this server, masking your real location and IP address.
We need 5000+ proxies from the USA. Is it possible?
Let’s discuss. Contact our team via live chat or email.