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Buy Africa Proxies

Powerful Africa proxies with unparalleled speed, anonymity, and security.

Highly anonymous Africa IPs with advanced encryption for enhanced online privacy.

$0.88 per private African proxy – No hidden charges.

HTTP and HTTPs compatible.

Ensuring secure connections with blazing 1,000+ mbps speed.

Premium Proxy service with private proxies tailored for your targets.


Buy Africa Proxies -NewIPNow

Premium Proxy Servers in Africa

New IP Now Instant Proxy Refresh

Affordable and Powerful South Africa Proxies

Craving African shows, music, or websites limited by region? Our African proxies grant you unrestricted access to content unavailable in your current location.

Enjoy heightened internet privacy with dedicated African IP addresses. Your online activity remains untraceable, shielding your identity and browsing habits.

For $0.88 per Africa IP, you get:

  • Blazing fast servers
  • High level of anonymity
  • Reliable and secure connections
  • and more premium features!

Choose Powerful Africa Proxies and Get a New IP Now!

Unparalleled Privacy and Control

Enjoy a dedicated connection with private IP addresses located throughout Africa. Simply choose  your targets and gain access to geo-exclusive content or websites.

Cost-Effective and Streamlined

We offer complete transparency in our pricing. Experience the freedom of browsing without limitations. Our African proxies handle high data usage with ease so you can navigate the web seamlessly.

No Installations equired

Our user-friendly dashboard simplifies proxy management. You can easily choose your preferred location, target your desired region, and acquire the perfect proxy server for your needs. 

Dedicated Technical Support

Our responsive and knowledgeable support team is here to assist you. We are committed to providing prompt and personalized help to ensure you have a smooth and successful experience with our African proxies.

Instant Proxy Refresh

Instantly refresh your Africa proxy list! Use our exclusive feature and get new private proxies in just one click.

African Cities


Buy Private and Dedicated African Proxy List

Most Popular


Number of proxies

10 private proxies

25 private proxies

50 private proxies

100 private proxies

Configurable Location

Number of Cities





Number of Subnets





Configurable Purpose

Unlimited Bandwidth

Elite Anonymity

HTTP(s) Compatability

Instant Setup

Instant Refresh

100% Guaranteed

24/7 Support

Our Africa Proxies Guarantee

Get High-Performance Africa IPs @ $0.88 per proxy + $0.00/GB!

Any issues? Get a quick resolution or 100% of your money back within 7 days.

New IP Now Money Back Guarantee

Africa Proxy Provider Since 2009

I using these proxies over one month (10+10 package) and all of them works great!!! Their support also switched my burned proxies very fast. Great service.

Proxy User

These are AWESOME proxies. You can’t get faster and the price is perfect.

I’ve been using them for a while now and have NEVER had an issue. I just placed another order. I’m not going to post my transaction ID because of the recent scammers, but i’m definitely happy with the service.

Proxy User

I live in Asia but so far, the proxies are faster than I expected. No problems with them whatsoever and I love the bonus proxies. This is my first time buying private proxies and I will never regret buying proxies from this service because they are simply awesome! RECOMMENDED!

Proxy User

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Africa Proxy Servers?

Africa proxy servers are intermediary servers located in various countries across the African continent. They allow users to access online content from an African IP address. They can be useful for anonymity and enhancing online privacy. These servers act as a bridge between the user and the internet. They forward requests and responses to maintain a secure and private connection. Users often employ Africa proxy servers for regional specific content access or to hide their actual location when browsing.

Is it safe to use free Africa proxies?

Free proxies are publicly available and offers no security. It is best to use private proxies for secure connections.

How to set up proxies on my browser?

Setting up Africa proxies is easy. Visit our proxy tutorials page for the full instructions.

We need 5000+ proxies from South Africa. Is it possible?

Let’s discuss. Simply contact our team!

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