China Proxy Servers
China proxy servers with unparalleled speed and reliability.
✓ Highly Anonymous China IPs
✓ Compatible with HTTP and HTTPs protols
✓ 1,000+ mbps connection speed
Browse anonymously and overcome geo-restrictions to access any website in China. Get started for just $0.88 per private Chinese proxy. Enjoy unlimited bandwidth and premium features!
Premium Chinese Proxy Network
Affordable Plans, Powerful China Proxies
Our premium China proxy network grants you anonymous access with private Chinese IP addresses. Navigate the web with total control, bypassing firewalls and unlocking a wealth of opportunities.
Dominate your China strategy with pinpoint precision. Target specific regions within China to conduct in-depth market research, competitive analysis, or manage social media accounts for your audience. Our user-friendly web dashboard allows you to effortlessly switch between locations, ensuring you reach the right audience every time.
Scrape valuable data, automate social media tasks, or price comparison across Chinese e-commerce platforms with our high-performance China proxies. Stop worrying about hidden fees – enjoy unlimited bandwidth perfect for high-volume tasks.
Choose powerful Chinese Proxies and get NewIPNow!
High Performance
Access a reliable network of Chinese proxy servers for your online needs. Enjoy exclusive access to private IP addresses for maximum control and anonymity.
Zero Additional Fees
Get all the features you need for a low, flat rate of $0.88 per Chinese IP. No hidden charges or surprise costs.
Unlimited Bandwidth Proxies
Experience unrestricted bandwidth usage. No extra fees based on GB consumption.
No Downloads Needed
Manage your proxies easily through a user-friendly web dashboard. No software downloads required, saving you storage space.
Instant Proxy Refresh
Instantly refresh your private proxy IPs! Experience the convenience of a one-click proxy refresh, available anytime you need it.
Available Cities
Beijng, China
Buy Private Dedicated China Proxies
Most Popular
Number of proxies
10 private proxies
25 private proxies
50 private proxies
100 private proxies
Configurable Location
Number of Cities
Number of Subnets
Configurable Purpose
Unlimited Bandwidth
Elite Anonymity
HTTP(s) Compatability
Instant Setup
Instant Refresh
100% Guaranteed
Our China Proxies Guarantee
Get High-Performance Chinese IPs @ $0.88 per proxy + $0.00/GB! Experience exceptional uptime and a reliable connection.
Any issues? Get a quick resolution or 100% of your money back within 7 days.
China Proxies Provider Since 2009
This is officially my favorite provider on the forum. Great service, clean IPs and amazing speed.
Sorry for the late review. Working fine and fast on scrapebox and tweetadder.
Should have bought the $10 .
Next month i suppose.
So I ordered 50 proxies 5 days ago. After 2-3 min all the proxies were up and running. I’ve posted my transaction id here so I can benefit from the bonus. I’ve got the bonus proxies only the second day which make me a little skeptical about the support in case I have some real problem. Relying on a proxy provider is very important for me.
The proxies speed is ok most of the time, some times is faster some times is slower.
The only problem I had is that from time to time some proxies simply stop responding and I have to wait 1-2 minutes before I can use that proxy. The control panel is easy to use and is similar to other proxy services that you can find on this forum.
The big plus about this service is that is offering the best proxy/price package compared with other services.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Chinese Proxy Servers?
These proxy servers are based in China. They serve as intermediaries between your device and the internet. By utilizing a China proxy server, your online traffic is directed through the server before reaching the target website. Consequently, your IP address remains hidden from the website, making it appear as if you are connecting from China.
Are your proxies compatible with tools?
Yes. Our proxies are compatible with all tools and devices that support HTTP and HTTPs proxies.
Is it safe to use free China proxies?
It is best to avoid free proxies. They are publicly available and offers no security.
How to set up proxies on my browser?
Setting up China proxies is easy. Visit our proxy tutorials page for the instructions.
We need 5000+ proxies from China. Is it possible?
Yes, simply contact our team!