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High-Speed UK Proxies

Powerful United Kingdom proxy servers for your personal and business targets.

✓ Browse undetected with an anonymous UK IP address.
✓ Get private United Kingdom IPs at $0.88 per proxy!
✓ Compatible with HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
✓ Experience blazing-fast connections with 1,000+ mbps.
✓ Get premium features for ultimate control.


UK Proxy Server

Fast and Private United Kingdom Proxies

New IP Now Instant Proxy Refresh

Affordable Plans, Powerful United Kingdom Proxies

Looking for an anonymous and secure way to access UK-specific content? Look no further than our UK-based proxy servers!

Access exclusive content, enhance your privacy, and explore the web with ease. Navigate our advanced control panel directly from your dashboard. It’s offers intuitive interface and easy-to-use tools.

Our friendly and knowledgeable support team is available via email or live chat. We’re always happy to assist you, no matter what time zone you’re in.

Choose powerful UK proxies, get New IP Now!

Dedicated and Private

All NewIPNow proxies are private. Your IPs are exclusive to you and optimized for your targets.

Fast Proxy Servers Woldwide

Access fast proxy servers with high uptime and ensure uninterrupted activities.

Unlimited Bandwidth Proxies

Experience unrestricted  bandwidth usage. No extra fees based on GB consumption.

Customized UK Proxy List

Personalized your proxy list. Choose your targets and locations at no additional cost!

Instant Proxy Refresh

Instantly refresh your UK proxy list! Use our exclusive feature and get new private proxies in just one click.

Buy Private UK Proxy List

Most Popular


Number of proxies

10 private proxies

25 private proxies

50 private proxies

100 private proxies

Configurable Location

Number of Cities





Number of Subnets





Configurable Purpose

Unlimited Bandwidth

Elite Anonymity

HTTP(s) Compatability

Instant Setup

Instant Refresh

100% Guaranteed

Get UK Proxies for your Tools and Devices






I use A LOT of proxies and I’ve been through many proxy providers. NewIPNow is offering some of the best proxies I’ve come across so far. I put the allocated review proxies to heavy work this last week and am happy to report my findings.

Upon initially receiving my review proxies, I ran them through SB proxy check. Unfortunately, a particular IP block came back Google banned. However, after a quick message to support, the IPs were replaced and in 100% working order. I proceeded to run my Google/Yahoo harvest.

My initial run with these proxies (mixed with some from other providers) ran through a harvest of 80,000 keywords without a hitch. Over 40 million URLs harvested between a 2 and a half day period. These proxies passed the test and were all Google/Yahoo passed after the harvest.

I then proceeded to load my fresh harvest through the Scrapebox fast poster (this is where the true test of might is). These proxies worked through my blog lists at lighting speed and with great accuracy (over 2 million blogs posted in 2 days). Maintaining consistent speed and quality with over 100 connections running full time.

Finally, I put them to work through another Google/Yahoo harvest and onto trackbacks. With the same speed and quality, these proxies held the test of time and are currently blazing through my freshly harvested trackback lists.

Keep an eye out for my order sometime this week (will be purchasing a 100+ proxy block from you). Looking forward to doing continued business with you.

Proxy User

Fast proxys, I am located in Brazil and this is the first time where I get a good ms and fast speeds.

Great support. Had some trouble (my fault) when using the proxy with youtube and Dave from support just helped and answered all e-mails on time and willing to help.

Proxys worked great with SB and also YT bots and senukeX.

That’s it as soon as I can will renew my sub as I am very satisfied with it.

Forum User

Our UK Proxy Server Guarantee

Get High-Performance UK IP address @ $0.88 per proxy + $0.00/GB!

Any issues? Get a quick resolution or 100% of your money back within 7 days.

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