Powerful Private Proxy Servers

Unlock the full potential of your online ventures with secure and powerful private proxies.

Experience seamless connectivity with redundant connections in over 20+ countries.

Get dedicated IPs, fast response time, and more premium features.

Mbps Speed


Network Uptime

Affordable Private Proxies, Premium Quality

Discover the perfect blend of affordability and excellence with our premium proxies. Enjoy unmatched online security and seamless integration with our user-friendly dashboard at an unbeatable price.

NewIPNow Private Proxys

High Anonymity

Secure, log-free, anonymous proxy servers.


No bandwidth fees

Enjoy unlimited bandwidth at no additional cost.


High Uptime

Use proxies with over 99.9% network uptime.


Exclusive Use

Exclusive proxy list, undivided benefits.


Personalized Proxy List

Choose your package, targets, and locations.


Secure Access

Enhanced privacy and performance, 24/7.


Fast Private Proxy

Connect to servers with over 1,000 mbps speed.


Dedicated Proxy List

Redundant connections optimized for your targets.


Dedicated Support Team

Excellent service team through chat and email.

Buy Private Proxies for Personal and Business Targets

Most Popular


Number of proxies

10 private proxies

25 private proxies

50 private proxies

100 private proxies

Configurable Location

Number of Cities





Number of Subnets





Configurable Purpose

Unlimited Bandwidth

Elite Anonymity

HTTP(s) Compatibility

Instant Setup

Instant Refresh

100% Guaranteed

Get Dedicated Private Proxies From Our Fast Proxy Network

Get lightning fast dedicated proxies from our global network!

With 1,000+ Mbps backbone connections and multiple proxy locations, you can enjoy seamless connectivity.

For as low as $8.80, you can get non-sequential IPs and ensure maximum anonymity and online security!

NewIPNow - Secure Intermediary Servers

Private Proxy Locations






NweIPNow - Private and Secure Proxies

Self-Service & Secure Proxy Solution

Enjoy flexibility, total control, and unmatched accessibility. Manage your proxies effortlessly with our advanced and user-friendly dashboard.

Instant Proxy Refresh

Replace any of your IPs anytime! Simply choose the proxies you want to refresh, your targets, and locations.

IP Authentication

You can begin using our proxies right away after authorizing your actual IPs – no need for long wait times!

Proxy Tools & Resources

Easily access everything you need with our proxy panel’s convenient and intuitive interface.

Powerful Private Proxy List For Your Use Case

Anonymous Browsing

Surf securely with anonymous private proxies. We value online security and keeping private information safe.


Unlock global content and shopping experiences. Connect with a fast anonymous proxy network.

Market Research

Optimize your market research with reliable cheap proxies. Expect the best value in price and quality service

Social Media Management

Choose the best proxies for social networks. Use private dedicated proxies for secure access and proxy usage.

Secure Private Proxies

What is a Private Proxy?

A private proxy is a dedicated IP address. It means only you use it. Unlike shared proxies with multiple users, private proxies grant you unparalleled control and anonymity.

Its exclusivity also translates into several benefits. Enhanced privacy, increased security, and improved reliability are few examples. Additionally, private proxies get  greater trust from your target websites due to having a clean online reputation.

NewIPNow Private and Secure Proxys

Our Private Proxy Service Guarantee

Enjoy flexibility, total control, and unmatched accessibility. Manage your proxies effortlessly with our advanced and user-friendly dashboard.

100% Compatibility

NewIPNow is compatible with all tools that support HTTP and HTPS proxies.

Premium Proxy Quality

Get high-performance proxies and premium features for $0.88 per proxy.

7-Day Money Back

Any issues? Get a quick resolution or 100% of your money back within 7 days.

Private Proxy Provider Since 2009

I use A LOT of proxies and I’ve been through many proxy providers. NewIPNow is offering some of the best proxies I’ve come across so far. I put the allocated review proxies to heavy work this last week and am happy to report my findings.

Upon initially receiving my review proxies, I ran them through SB proxy check. Unfortunately, a particular IP block came back Google banned. However, after a quick message to support, the IPs were replaced and in 100% working order. I proceeded to run my G*****/Y**** harvest.

My initial run with these proxies (mixed with some from other providers) ran through a harvest of 80,000 keywords without a hitch. Over 40 million URLs harvested between a 2 and a half day period. These proxies passed the test and were all G*****/Y**** passed after the harvest.

I then proceeded to load my fresh harvest through the Scrapebox fast poster (this is where the true test of might is). These proxies worked through my blog lists at lighting speed and with great accuracy (over 2 million blogs posted in 2 days). Maintaining consistent speed and quality with over 100 connections running full time.

Finally, I put them to work through another G*****/Y**** harvest and onto trackbacks. With the same speed and quality, these proxies held the test of time and are currently blazing through my freshly harvested trackback lists.

Looking forward to doing continued business with you.

User Review

NewIPNow has managed to stay a trustworthy provider throughout the years thanks to its good customer support and proxies that work. We couldn’t find any customer reviews complaining about the service..

NewIPNow Review


Their prices are pretty low considering that other services charge more than twice as much for fewer features.

Top 3 Cheap Proxies


They are also compatible with sneaker sites, ads sites, and similar other sites, for which, other providers usually have separate plans and often charge higher.

NewIPNow Review


Your website seems a little basic. However, its got the easiest interface to connect to a proxy server i’ve seen. Bookmarked, and will recommend to anyone needing a proxy.

User Review

Frequently Asked Questions

Are your proxies private?

Yes. All of our proxies are private. We don’t provide free proxies or srapped proxies.

What kind of private proxies do you provide?

We provide elite anonymous proxies. These are static IPV4 datacenter proxies. You can purchase our smallest package to see if our private proxies match your business needs!

Is there any bandwidth limit?

No. All our plans come with unlimited bandwidth. We also do not charge you based on your GB consumption.

How quickly are proxies activated?

Your private proxy list are activated instantly after payment. 

What happens if my private proxies get blocked?

You can instantly swap your proxies by using Instant Proxy Refresh. This feature allows you to get new IPs anytime and it is accessible within your dashboard. You can also contact our support team and we’ll be happy to assist you!

Do you have a moneyback guarantee?

Yes, we provide a 7-day refund policy if our private proxies don’t work on your targets.

Can I get a free trial on my private proxy?

We currently don’t offer free private proxies. You can test out our smallest package and upgrade anytime. If our proxies don;t work for your targets, we can process a ful refund within 7 days.

What is the difference between a private and dedicated IP proxy?

Private proxies are proxy servers assigned to one user ony.

On the other hand, dedicated proxies are private proxy servers that have been optimized for specific websites.

What is the difference between a private and shared proxy?

Private proxies are exclusively used by one user. Shared proxies are used by multiple users at a time.

NewIPNow only offers affordable private proxies so you can enjoy higher anonymity and privacy without the premium costs!

How much is a private proxy?

The price of a private proxy will vary depending on the proxy provider. Our private proxy servers are priced for only $0.88 per IP.

Do you offer private US proxies?

Yes. You can visit our private US proxies page to check the available cities.

Additionally, you can combine multiple countries depending on your plan!

How to set up a private proxy server?

After you acquire a private proxy list, you can find all the setup instructions in our tutorials. Alternatively, you can contact us via live chat or email and our team will ensure you get the best private proxy service.


Read Blogs

Securing Social Media Activities with Private Proxies

Securing Social Media Activities with Private Proxies

Social media platforms are propelled by sophisticated algorithms and user analytics. They extensively engage in data tracking. Every click, like, and share contributes to the creation of an intricate user profile. 79% of social media users are concerned about their privacy on social media.

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Enhancing Online Security with Private Proxies

Enhancing Online Security with Private Proxies

Online security faces an evolving threat landscape. Cyber threats continue to grow in sophistication and diversity, ranging from traditional malware attacks to more advanced tactics like ransomware and phishing. According to recent statistics, the number of cyber threats increased by 32% in 2023.

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